Quick guide on how to setup either service mainly to compare them. You will probably need to do a few more things to make them production ready, checkout the respective documentation on Artifactory or Nexus to get a better idea. We will be using google cloud environment for this guide but you can can easily apply the instructions to other providers.


Google cloud account (Or really any cloud service)


NOTE: Container-Optimised OS can only have on docker application running on it at a time but it can swap between multiple relatively quickly. If you want to have both running at the same time you can create another instance following the instructions again or look into something like Kurbernetes (Out of scope for this guide)

  • You need to create a new firewall rule if you do not plan on using port 80

  • ssh into the server and then run one of the commands below depending what you want to install

    • Change the first number before the colon in -p 8081:8081 to -p 80:8081 for standard http, or into something else depending what port your planning to use
docker run --name artifactory -d -p 8081:8081 docker.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-oss:latest


docker run --name nexus -d -p 8081:8081 sonatype/nexus3


NOTE: It takes about a minute to setup the container, once its ready

  • Go to IP_ADDRESS_OF_YOUR_SERVER:8081 in your browser and follow the instructions
    • If you are using port 80 just type in the ip address without the port number


  • If you used another provider and cannot access the website page:
    • Check your iptables and make sure you allow incoming connections on the port you set the docker container to
bogdandrema at gmail dot com
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