Single landing page example using only static content taking advantage of free static hosting some services offer. IE Gitlab, Github and quite a few others. It can also be expanded to multiple pages.




A benefit is you also take advantage of the CDNs the services provide with the hosting allowing for faster content delivery to all over the world.

The free limit varies depending what service you use some do bandwidth caps others use storage caps. Either way with the site properly optimised at less than 800KB in size. It can easily serve 125000 views a month on a 100GB/month limit and that is not including caching for reoccurring visitors/resources which will increase it further.

An interesting advantage of doing it like this is that you can later setup servers to hook in APIs via the client side JavaScript and then add more advanced functionality all while still taking the advantage of the hosting.


  • Foundation: sass only
  • Nuxt: vuejs based static website generator
  • Gitlab for CI and hosting
bogdandrema at gmail dot com
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