Experiment in setting up a complete serverless pipeline with testing, deployment and delivery on commit.
Using GitHub as public repo as CI/CD starts running on GitLab and give me a buffer for any possible credential mistakes.
Couldn’t find a complete example/boilerplate for the whole CI/CD pipeline using Serverless framework. So I had to make one.
Complete meaning; build, test, deploy, and multiple environments all on commit. Check features on the README on the repo for the updated list of all the features.
- JavaScript runtime
- Uses AWS services
TODO/Feature ideas
- Possibly restructure folders
- Consider using middy middleware for checking inputs and wrapping responses
- Remove unneeded dependencies
- Handle table names and other service references better
- Look into adding a code quality scan on test stage
- Look into adding a security scan on test stage
- Maybe clean up Docker images for CI/CD
- Would it be better to break down the severless.yml file into multiple pieces by feature and combine it back together?
- Add monitoring
- Add coverage badge/statistics
- Hooking in a custom URL
- GitLab: git repo and CI/CD tooling
- Serverless Framework: generates cloud formation templates for AWS
- Jest: For unit testing
- Cypress: e2e testing after deployment against the API